superadmin's blog

Protection Orders and What to Do

Many individuals find themselves in a situation wherein they are being harassed or abused by someone with whom they have a domestic relationship and do not know their legal rights or how to enforce these rights. For this reason this article will canvass the process of attending to a case of a protection order and how to protect yourself.

Harassment and What to Do

Many individuals find themselves in a situation wherein they are being harassed and do not know their legal rights or how to enforce these rights. For this reason this article will canvass the process of attending to a case of harassment and how to protect yourself.

The Process for an Ante-Nuptial Contract

Previously discussed, were the processes of getting married out of community of property specially as well as the differences, benefits and disadvantages of the various types of matrimonial regimes. The term “Ante-Nuptial Contract” (ANC) came up often, however same was not discussed in depth.

In this article, we will discuss what exactly this is and more so, the process of entering into a valid ANC;

How Is Jurisdiction Defined

We have previously discussed Courts and court process as well as their jurisdictions in previous articles, but what has not been properly discussed is how jurisdiction works in South Africa and which court may have jurisdiction;



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